
Orange and blue is one of the traditional sets of complementary colors that appears a lot in nature. In particular, this complementary color scheme is mostly seen in sunrise and sunset.

According to Lupton, "each color contains no element of the other, and they have opposing temperatures (warm versus cool)" (p.73). This is illustrated in the image below where the blue color of the sky and the orange tone in the sun lights create a strong and contrasting compositionThis photo was taken in Bjorklunden at around 5 o'clock in the morning. It was my first time seeing such a gorgeous sunrise. It cannot be denied that the combination of orange and blue creates a natural contrast that is pleasing to the eyes. 

Another example of the blue-orange color harmony is presented in the following image. This photo was taken one afternoon when I passed by Briggs Hall. The moment I saw the sunset, I immediately grabbed my phone to capture it because I was mesmerized by the magnificence of the sky. The reflection of the sun rays on the clouds make it look like erupting volcanoes. This warm and cool combination create intense contrast and visual tension.

Above is my observation of complementary colors in my world. The photos were taken using iPhone so the quality is not as good as using cameras. However, it is obvious that the orange and blue combination is everywhere in the nature and we can easily find one to exemplify the concept of complementary colors.


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